Analyzing the Literary Status and Abilities of Sufi Haravi in Writing Food Satire and His Techniques of Humor-writing with a Look at His Influence from Boshāq At’ameh

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr

2 Department of Persian Language and Literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr


Sufi Mohammad Haravi is a little-known poet of the 9th century AH (15th century CE). Although he has composed appreciable poems in the field of food satire, he and his poetic style are seldom mentioned in well-known biographies and sources. His anonymity, combined with his capabilities in satire, provides a basis for conducting research to introduce him and his methods in writing satirical works. The hypothesis of this research is that Sufi Haravi, while adopting the style of Boshaq (satire), demonstrates innovation and creativity. The research methodology employed is analytical-comparative-descriptive, using the criterion of "at'ameh" (food) poetry from Boshaq’s Divan and comparing it with Sufi Haravi's style, genre, and context. This study demonstrates that Sufi Haravi has been influenced by the topics and themes of "at'ameh" poetry in various verses and writings, but certain characteristics distinguish his work and make it noteworthy. In the realm of "Ghazal", what sets his poetry apart is the frequency of utilizing the realms of love and mysticism. He places food as the beloved and employs Hafez's ironic poetic space, which has received the most acclaim, to incorporate certain mystical concepts and create an ironic atmosphere. Accordingly, the narrator in his poetry is a food seeker, and his desired beloved is bread, which rises from the eastern oven, and in his view, a piece of bread surpasses the two worlds. In addition to this ironic atmosphere, he utilizes techniques such as metaphor, simile, exception, etc., to enhance the richness of his contrasting imagery.


Main Subjects

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