Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of English Literature, Department of English Language and Literature, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ashrafi Esfahani ''s University, Isfahan, Iran


Resistance literature is a thematic category whose content may appear in different forms of poetry. Minimal poems do have an especial share in contemporary resistance literature and when used with the purpose of “jihad of explanation”, they revolve around three main pivots of reminding, interrogating and complaining. Gholamreza Kafi has created short poems in line with the principles of minimalism such as limited length, realism and simplicity of language, which mark his skill in this new poetic style. This study aims at analysing Kafi’s collections of poetry, Short Songs (2005) and Passenger of the Next Station (2017) within the framework of Gerard Genette’s theory of transtextuality. It seeks to determine the role of transtextual relations in promoting jihad of explanation. This study is conducted by using descriptive-analytic methodology and the data is analysed by the use of SPSS25 software. The frequencies of transtextual types and the components that promote “jihad of explanation” are evaluated by Chi-square test. The findings indicate that “architextuality” and “time-consciousness” have the highest frequency and percentage among transtextual types and components promoting jihad of explanation and there is a meaningful relation between them. In these two collections, Kafi has chosen free style for foregrounding the promoting components of jihad of explanation by means of linguistic techniques such as “lexical play”. These impressive and meaningful short poems depict didactic and lovely aspects, which have architextual relationship with Khorasani and Hindi styles.



Main Subjects

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