Document Type : Research Paper


Prof of Arabic Language and Literature in Shiraz University


Many renowned Persian poets have consistently captured the attention of literary scholars and researchers worldwide. Among these poets, Shams al-Din Muhammad Hafez Shirazi stands out. From the realm of Arabic literature, Ibrahim Amin al-Shawarbi and Ali Abbas Zoleikha, both poets and writers, have shown special reverence for Hafez. Each of these two writers has interpreted significant aspects of Hafez’s poetry and expressed them in Arabic. In this research, we delve into their interpretations of Ghazal 402 (based on Ghani Qazvini’s edition), and compare their perspectives. The findings reveal that while Amin al-Shawarbi’s interpretations, often written in prose, are more eloquent due to his long residence in Shiraz, Ali Abbas Zoleikha’s reception of the emotional elements, expressed both in poetry and in prose, is more captivating and influential than Amin al-Shawarbi’s interpretations.



Main Subjects

The Holy Quran
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