Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD Student in Persian Language and Literature of Isfahan University, Isfahan , Iran

2 Associate Prof in Persian Language and Literature of University of isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


The description of mansions and buildings, called poetry of building, constitutes a genre in Persian poetry. It may be considered the equivalent to the genre of country house poetry in English literature. Poetry of building has many examples in the thousand-year history of Persian poetry. It has remained rather unknown since researchers have not conducted studies to analyse and express its characteristics as an independent literary type. Describing buildings and mansions created an opportunity for poets to record the name and the picture of a particular building in their poems, to praise the builder of the building, and to show their artistry and skill in writing poetry. In this survey, poems about buildings have been extracted from more than three hundred Persian texts, such as the divans of the poets, books of history and Tazkera (biographies of great people), and put into historical order from old to new. The results of this research, which covers all periods of Persian poetry, show that most of the poems about buildings were written in Safavid and Qajar periods and were in the form of “qasideh” and “qat’eh” (odes) and Masnavi (couplets), and were written with the aim of eulogy, description, and recording history. Among the poets who wrote poetry on this subject, Abdi Beyg Shirazi known as Navidi in the Safavid period and Fath Ali Khan Saba in the Qajar period stand out as pioneers. In this essay, in addition to explaining the artistic and literary features of the building poems, including the poetic purposes, themes, structures, formats, and rhetorical features that lead to the accurate and comprehensive understating of this literary type, the relationship between these poems with authentic Iranian architecture has been discussed, which renders it useful in architectural research, too.



Main Subjects

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