Complaints in the Poetry of Simin Behbahani Based on the Collection of Poems "Chelcheragh " and "Yek dariche azadi"

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate of Persian language and literature, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran.

3 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran


Lyrical poetry is emotional poetry that comes from the depth of the poet's being and expresses his most original and intimate feelings. This type of poetry is a mirror of the whole interior view and expresses the poet's conscience, and it has different types, all of which are taken from the poet's emotional and fragile self, and their impact is due to the fact that it arises from the depth of being and sits on the heart. . One of the types of lyric poetry is Bath-al-Shakvi, which literally means complaint and heartache, and in it the poet rises to glory from all the factors that messed up his emotional, social, political and existential philosophy and the human race. And she undergoes changes and distortions, and sometimes she sits with the audience with tears, sometimes with reproaches, and sometimes with lamentations, and she expresses the causes of her suffering and distress. Simin Behbahani is one of the contemporary poets who has spoken in her poems in the form of complaints about the disorders of life such as the neglect of feelings, romantic resentment, as well as protesting the conditions of the society in which she lived and the suffering of the people of the time. In this article, the authors try to describe and analyze the types of complaints in the books of poems "Chalcharagh" and "yek dariche azadi" written by Simin Behbahani. The findings of the research show that personal complaints have a higher frequency than other complaints in both collections, and the reason for this can be seen in the failures of the poet's family life and her sensitive and feminine spirit. These complaints are the best way to find out the poet's mental and psychological characteristics and present a picture of her personal life to the audience


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