The Lexical and Semantic Connection of a Verse from Hafez with Mithraism

Document Type : short article


Associate Prof Persian Language and Literature, Shiraz University of Medical ‎Sciences,‎


Although a lot of research has been done in the realm of Hafez's poetry, it can still be addressed from different angles. In this article, a verse from Hafez's sonnet, is analyzed with the aim of showing its connection with the ritual of Mithraism.
ز دوستان تو آموخت در طریقت مهر
سپیده‌دم که هوا چاک زد شعار سیاه
The dawn learned from your friends in the rite of affection
When it ripped the air and the black design
For this purpose, firstly, the more accurate recordings and the more correct readings were noticed and analyzed by referring to statistical comparison of eleven printed and prominent copies of Hafez's Divan and paying attention to the poetic connections of the verse's words. To reach the mentioned goal, the accurate recording of the words of the verse and its more correct reading was specified, the opinions of several scholars were discussed and criticizes, and the link between the key words of the verse with the symbols mentioned in the ritual of Mithraism was provided with the help of intra-textual and extra-textual signs. The main achievement of this research is strengthening the theory of Hafez’s attention to Mithraism.


Main Subjects

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