Document Type : Research Paper
1 Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran
2 Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran.
In the Central (former National) Library of Tabriz, there is a manuscript entitled Anthology of Poems, numbered 3047, which the authors of this study concluded after examining that its text is exactly the same as Rozat ul-Nazer and Nuzhat ul-Khater. Because there are defects in the opening and closing pages of this manuscript, the name of the work, author, scribe, and date of writing are unknown. However, by thoroughly examining and matching this manuscript with the Rozat ul-Nazer and Nuzhat ul-Khater manuscript, we found that this anthology of poems is another manuscript of Rozat ul-Nazer and Nuzhat ul-Khater. The poems of the poets, their order and sequence, the names of the poets, and sometimes even the errors that occurred in the attribution of the poems, confirm this similarity in the two manuscripts. In some sections, although minor, there are also differences; for example, in some sections of Rozat ul-Nazer, the name of the poet is not mentioned, which is mentioned in the Tabriz anthology. The calligraphy of the two manuscripts and their writing style are close to each other, and it is highly likely that the scribe of both manuscripts was the same person. Furthermore, according to textual evidence, the scribe of both manuscripts is a descendant of Shams al-Din Kishi.
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