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Volume 8 (2016)
Volume 7 (2015)
Volume 6 (2014)
Volume 5 (2013)
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Volume 3 (2011)
Volume 2 (2010)
Volume 1 (2009)
Number of Articles: 8
The Analysis of The Couriers’ Role in Ibn Nasooh Shirazi’s Mohabbatnameh
Volume 8, Issue 4 , February 2017, Pages 1-24
The aim of this article is to analyze the innovations of Ibn Nasuh Shirazi, a poet of the eighth century, and the role of couriers in his Mohabatnameh. Mohabatnameh is a subgenre ... Read MoreConceptual metaphor and the destiny of four Quatrains attributed to Khayyam
Volume 8, Issue 4 , February 2017, Pages 25-46
Conceptual metaphor acts as a window to the mind of the writer. Accordingly, the focus of metaphorical mapping in the mind leads to the development of the individual mentality and the ... Read MoreAn Investigation of Political and Social Themes in Anvari Abiverdi’s Segments (Short Poems)
Volume 8, Issue 4 , February 2017, Pages 47-70
Owhad al-din Ali ibn Mohammad ibn Ishaq Anvari Abiverdi, pen name Anvari, was one of the writers of ode in the district of Khorasan in the sixth century AH. He was, above all, ... Read MoreImagery and Artistic Expression in Rumi's Quatrains
Volume 8, Issue 4 , February 2017, Pages 71-104
Poetic image is a significant element in creating beauty and effective language. In Rumi's quatrains, simile, metaphor, and symbol are used in a natural way harmonized with language ... Read MorePoetry narrative review of the end of borzo’s life
Volume 8, Issue 4 , February 2017, Pages 105-128
The fame of the story of Rostam and Sohrab among the people and the tragic ending of the story resulted in the production of many imitative stories one of which is Borzunameh. ... Read MoreReflections on Some Scientific Data in Modern Persian Poetry
Volume 8, Issue 4 , February 2017, Pages 129-152
The aim of this paper is to show which branch of science and what kind of scientific data is present in modern Persian poetry. Literature mirrors the society as it reflects the feelings, ... Read MoreImagination and Religious Disrespect Explain the relationship Between Religious Disrespect in Lyrical texts and Imagination
Volume 8, Issue 4 , February 2017, Pages 153-178
In this study we are asking why sometimes lyrical or mystic texts with romantic symbolism use themes disregarding religious respect. What is the origin of these themes? Is it possible ... Read MoreThe last years of the reign of Khosrow-Parviz and his adventures with Shahr-baraz
Volume 8, Issue 4 , February 2017, Pages 179-198