In the Name of God
Submission Guidelines for Poetry Studies (Boostan Adab)
Poetry Studies (Boostan Adab) is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing studies pertaining to Persian language and literature and shares the findings of the research with the scholars interested in Iranian literature and culture.
Requirements for Publishing Articles in the Journal
1.Editorial policy
Articles submitted to this journal must have the following features:
1.Be original and innovative.
2.Written based on academic research methods.
3.Present innovative literary criticism and analysis. This journal does not publish translations.
Articles will first be reviewed in the editing committee and, after being approved, will be sent to the referees for evaluation. The referees’ comments will then be reviewed by the editing committee and the final decision will be made.
2.Framework of the Articles
2.1. A short title expressing the aim of the study, typed on top of the page, centered, and bold-faced.
2.2. Author’s information, including mailing address, phone number, academic rank, and affiliation, appearing on a separate page.
2.3. Persian abstract, about 15 lines or 150 words in length
2.4. Persian keywords (4 to 8 words) at the end of the abstract
2.5. An introduction, which presents the main topic of the study as well as literature review, and provides the reader with enough information pertaining to the main topic of the study.
2.6. The body of the paper, including the main subject and its analysis.
2.7. Conclusion
2.8. References
2.9. English abstract indicating the main points discussed in the paper.
3.1. In-text references: the last name of the author(s), date, page number within parentheses. For example, (Zarrin Koob, 1373: 254). If necessary, the book or article title can replace the author's name.
3.2. Book references in the bibliography: authors' last name, author's first name, date (within parentheses), book title, translator’s name, city, publisher, edition number.
3.3. Journal article references in the bibliography: author's last name, author's first name, date (within parentheses), article title (within quotation marks), journal title, issue number, volume, page number.
3.4. Online articles: author's last name, author's first name, last date retrieved (within parentheses), title (within quotation marks), site address (in italics).
3.Conditions for Preliminary Acceptance
Poetry Studies (Boostan Adab) is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing studies pertaining to Persian language and literature and shares the findings of the research with the scholars interested in Iranian literature and culture.
4.Requirements for Publishing Articles in the Journal
Articles submitted to this journal must have the following features:
1. Be original and innovative.
2. Written based on academic research methods.
3. Present innovative literary criticism and analysis. This journal does not publish translations.
NB: Articles will first be reviewed in the editing committee and, after being approved, will be sent to the referees for evaluation. The referees’ comments will then be reviewed by the editing committee and the final decision will be made.
Acknowledgements, if any, should appear after "Conclusion" section.
6.Online submission
To access to (Poetry Studies Journal) online system for submission, please link directly to and click on “Login”. Enter your User ID and Password and then follow the instructions provided on each page. Authors will receive an immediate acknowledgement of the receipt of their paper.
7.Charger of Review and Print
Hereby, We would like to inform you that since beginning of March 2018, this quarterly will receive 1,000,000 Rials for each received article to be judged and another 2,000,000 Rials for publication in the case of acceptance (it should be noted that if the article is rejected by the respect judges the initial amount of 3,000,000 Rials will not be returned to the author).
Note: The amount of (2,000,000 Rials) will be received after the initial approval of the article by editorial board and the specialized secretary.
Account number (Shaba) :530100004001071603020506 in Iran Center Bank, Shiraz University
ID Journals: 368071658115100141400285037100
Note: In order to support young researchers, Poetry Studies Journal provides a 50% discount for articles whose author/authors (all authors) are students, in the process of paying the referee fees and accepting the article.