Abdul Wahab Al-Bayati
The Connection Between Mysticism and Social Themes in the Poetry of Abdul Wahab Al-Bayati and Mohammad Reza Shafi'i Kadkani [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 165-190]
ACTIOn Poetry
Poesia in atto: Summoning the Body, The Originality of the Voice, The Presence Condition in Act of the Totus Corpus [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 97-120]
Akhavan Sales
Critique of the Mythical Thought in Mehdi Akhavan Sales’ Poetry [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 1-30]
Aref Qazvini
Conceptualization of “constitutional” in the poetry of two poets of the constitutional period
(A study of the syntax and discourse of Aref Qazvini and Mirzadeh Eshghi) [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 73-100]
Arthur Asa Berger
Anatomy of rhetorical-lingual techniques of Masnavi satire narrations [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 137-168]
Ashurai discourse
Physical Messaging in the Maqtal of Fadaei Mazandarani [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 151-174]
The Conference of the Birds and the religiosity of the empiricist [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 313-340]
Study and analysis Attar’s Mantegh-o-Teyr Speech Acts in Advancing Narration with Emphasis on John R Searle’s Theory [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 93-120]
Attar neishabouri
Attar and Meeting with Holy witness (A discussion on the Construction and Content of some of sonnet-narrations of Attar’s Divan) [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 111-136]
Ayniyyah ode
The story of Separation, from Varqā to Parrot (Comparison of the descent of the soul in the Ibn Sīnā's Ayniyya ode and the Narāqi's Masnavī Tāqdīs) [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 1-28]
Babr-e Bayān Poem
The Morphology of the Heroic Story “Babr-e Bayān” Based on Vladimir Propp's Theory [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 29-58]
Balochi Poetry
A study of the Balochi tale and poem of "Bagin Bashkard" and its comparison with the ode of "Boye Joye Moliyan" by Roudaki [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 121-150]
Behesht-Ayin mansion
Attribution Role of Verse Literature in the Representation of Destroyed Safavid Buildings
Case study: Behesht-Ayin Mansion in Manavi-Nameh of Mirza Mohammad Olia Nasrabadi [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 121-148]
Boye Joye Moliyan
A study of the Balochi tale and poem of "Bagin Bashkard" and its comparison with the ode of "Boye Joye Moliyan" by Roudaki [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 121-150]
Conceptualization of “constitutional” in the poetry of two poets of the constitutional period
(A study of the syntax and discourse of Aref Qazvini and Mirzadeh Eshghi) [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 73-100]
Contemporary literature
Critique of the Mythical Thought in Mehdi Akhavan Sales’ Poetry [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 1-30]
Contemporary Poetry
Sentimentalism and Persian Modern Poetry(Objective Study; Sohrab Sepehri and Fakhreddin Mazarei) [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 285-312]
Contemporary Poetry
Recreating Hafez's poetry in contemporary poetry through defamiliarization [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 231-266]
Contemporary Tajik poetry
Analysis and Formulation of Social Romanticism in Golrokhsar Safieva's Poetry [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 25-50]
Critical Edition
The importance of scientific Texts in editing and commentary on some lines of Hafez [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 101-136]
The Necessity of Re-Correction of "Masnavis of Setteh" by Shah Daei Allah Shirazi [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 81-96]
Descent of the Soul
The story of Separation, from Varqā to Parrot (Comparison of the descent of the soul in the Ibn Sīnā's Ayniyya ode and the Narāqi's Masnavī Tāqdīs) [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 1-28]
Criticism of the Divān of Rafiuddin Lonbani Esfahani Correction,
and Re-correction of some of its Verses [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 51-80]
Divan-e Shams
Mystical manifestation of medicine and self-purification in Divan-e Shams [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 255-284]
Emotional language
Physical Messaging in the Maqtal of Fadaei Mazandarani [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 151-174]
Critique of the Mythical Thought in Mehdi Akhavan Sales’ Poetry [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 1-30]
Fadaei Mazandarani
Physical Messaging in the Maqtal of Fadaei Mazandarani [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 151-174]
Fakhreddin Mazarei
Sentimentalism and Persian Modern Poetry(Objective Study; Sohrab Sepehri and Fakhreddin Mazarei) [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 285-312]
Forogh Farokhzad
The reflect of gender in women poems: based on Forogh Farokhzad, Parvin Etesami, Simin behbahani [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 61-92]
Conceptualization of “constitutional” in the poetry of two poets of the constitutional period
(A study of the syntax and discourse of Aref Qazvini and Mirzadeh Eshghi) [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 73-100]
Golrokhsar Safieva
Analysis and Formulation of Social Romanticism in Golrokhsar Safieva's Poetry [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 25-50]
“Innovation in Persian Nimaee Poetry Debates” [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 167-196]
The Excellent Image of Shah Mansour in Hafez’s Poems [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 227-256]
Recreating Hafez's poetry in contemporary poetry through defamiliarization [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 231-266]
Critique of the Mythical Thought in Mehdi Akhavan Sales’ Poetry [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 1-30]
Analysis and Comparison of Holism in ‘Attar’s Manṭeq Al-Ṭair and Modern Physics [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 197-226]
Ibn Sīnā
The story of Separation, from Varqā to Parrot (Comparison of the descent of the soul in the Ibn Sīnā's Ayniyya ode and the Narāqi's Masnavī Tāqdīs) [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 1-28]
Ibrahim Raski
A study of the Balochi tale and poem of "Bagin Bashkard" and its comparison with the ode of "Boye Joye Moliyan" by Roudaki [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 121-150]
Analysis of Role of Identity Functions of Language in Praise Poems [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 1-22]
Image Poetry
Analysis and Comparison of the Function of Husserl’s Phenomenology in Yadollah Royai’s Theories and Image Poetry [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 137-166]
Imagery techniques
Analyzing the objectivity of Almighty with creation from perspective of imagery techniques [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 175-204]
Islamic Mysticism
The Conference of the Birds and the religiosity of the empiricist [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 313-340]
Jaleh Esfahani
The rise and fall of storytelling in the poems of Simin Behbahani and Jaleh Esfahani. [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 59-88]
Jamali Dehlavi
A comparative study of the mystical mysteries of Jamali Dehlavi's poem “Mehr-va-mah” with the story of Sheikh San'an by Attar [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 169-194]
John R. Searle
Study and analysis Attar’s Mantegh-o-Teyr Speech Acts in Advancing Narration with Emphasis on John R Searle’s Theory [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 93-120]
Keyword: Bosḥāq Atema
Complement to the Divan of Bosḥāq Atema Shirazi [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 149-164]
Keywords: Attar
A comparative study of the mystical mysteries of Jamali Dehlavi's poem “Mehr-va-mah” with the story of Sheikh San'an by Attar [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 169-194]
Keywords: Attar
Analysis and Comparison of Holism in ‘Attar’s Manṭeq Al-Ṭair and Modern Physics [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 197-226]
Keywords: Bakhtin’s Dialogue
“Innovation in Persian Nimaee Poetry Debates” [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 167-196]
Keywords: Constitutional Poetry
Conceptualization of “constitutional” in the poetry of two poets of the constitutional period
(A study of the syntax and discourse of Aref Qazvini and Mirzadeh Eshghi) [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 73-100]
The importance of scientific Texts in editing and commentary on some lines of Hafez [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 101-136]
Keywords: Expressionism
Comparative Analysis of Nima Yoshij's poem of "O' People" and Edward Munch's Painting of "Scream" with Emphasis on Expressionist Mechanisms [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 49-72]
Keywords: Humor
Anatomy of rhetorical-lingual techniques of Masnavi satire narrations [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 137-168]
Key words: Husserl's phenomenology
Analysis and Comparison of the Function of Husserl’s Phenomenology in Yadollah Royai’s Theories and Image Poetry [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 137-166]
Keywords: Literature
Analysis of Role of Identity Functions of Language in Praise Poems [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 1-22]
Keywords: Medicines
Mystical manifestation of medicine and self-purification in Divan-e Shams [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 255-284]
Keywords: Meeting with Holy witness
Attar and Meeting with Holy witness (A discussion on the Construction and Content of some of sonnet-narrations of Attar’s Divan) [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 111-136]
Keywords: Persian poems
Manifestations of Folklore in the Zolali Khansari's Mahmoud and Ayaz [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 225-254]
Keywords: Poesia in atto
Poesia in atto: Summoning the Body, The Originality of the Voice, The Presence Condition in Act of the Totus Corpus [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 97-120]
Keywords: Refater
The last reading of the " Akavan Sales's Ghese – e - shahr – e – Sangestsn" [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 257-284]
Keywords: Religious Experience
The Conference of the Birds and the religiosity of the empiricist [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 313-340]
Keywords: Sa’di and Hafez rhetoric
Some Incidents of Imperceptible Artistic Devices in the Poetry of Sa’di and Hafez, Analyzed from a Functionalistic View [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 23-48]
Keywords: Sohrab Sepehri
Sentimentalism and Persian Modern Poetry(Objective Study; Sohrab Sepehri and Fakhreddin Mazarei) [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 285-312]
Keywords: Storytelling
The rise and fall of storytelling in the poems of Simin Behbahani and Jaleh Esfahani. [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 59-88]
Conceptualization of “constitutional” in the poetry of two poets of the constitutional period
(A study of the syntax and discourse of Aref Qazvini and Mirzadeh Eshghi) [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 73-100]
Leili Galehdaran
Poesia in atto: Summoning the Body, The Originality of the Voice, The Presence Condition in Act of the Totus Corpus [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 97-120]
Mahmoud and Ayaz
Manifestations of Folklore in the Zolali Khansari's Mahmoud and Ayaz [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 225-254]
Attribution Role of Verse Literature in the Representation of Destroyed Safavid Buildings
Case study: Behesht-Ayin Mansion in Manavi-Nameh of Mirza Mohammad Olia Nasrabadi [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 121-148]
Study and analysis Attar’s Mantegh-o-Teyr Speech Acts in Advancing Narration with Emphasis on John R Searle’s Theory [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 93-120]
Mantiq al-Tair
Analysis and Comparison of Holism in ‘Attar’s Manṭeq Al-Ṭair and Modern Physics [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 197-226]
A comparative study of the mystical mysteries of Jamali Dehlavi's poem “Mehr-va-mah” with the story of Sheikh San'an by Attar [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 169-194]
Physical Messaging in the Maqtal of Fadaei Mazandarani [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 151-174]
Masnavi Tāqdīs
The story of Separation, from Varqā to Parrot (Comparison of the descent of the soul in the Ibn Sīnā's Ayniyya ode and the Narāqi's Masnavī Tāqdīs) [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 1-28]
Ministerial (Dīwānī) Terms
Short Article :Yādgār: A Technical Official (Dīwānī) Term in Šāhnāma [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 191-200]
Mirzadeh Eshghi
Conceptualization of “constitutional” in the poetry of two poets of the constitutional period
(A study of the syntax and discourse of Aref Qazvini and Mirzadeh Eshghi) [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 73-100]
Mohammad Reza Shafiei-Kadkani
The Connection Between Mysticism and Social Themes in the Poetry of Abdul Wahab Al-Bayati and Mohammad Reza Shafi'i Kadkani [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 165-190]
The Morphology of the Heroic Story “Babr-e Bayān” Based on Vladimir Propp's Theory [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 29-58]
Explaining the Poetic Justice Principle based on Two Convergent Approaches in Weiss and Ramin [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 31-60]
Morteza Motahhari
Religious narrative of literature in contrast with materialism (Relying on the opinions of Morteza Motahhari) [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 205-230]
Mullā Ahmad Narāqi
The story of Separation, from Varqā to Parrot (Comparison of the descent of the soul in the Ibn Sīnā's Ayniyya ode and the Narāqi's Masnavī Tāqdīs) [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 1-28]
Mystical Revelations
The Conference of the Birds and the religiosity of the empiricist [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 313-340]
Narrative Poetry
The rise and fall of storytelling in the poems of Simin Behbahani and Jaleh Esfahani. [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 59-88]
Nasrabadi's Manavi-Nameh
Attribution Role of Verse Literature in the Representation of Destroyed Safavid Buildings
Case study: Behesht-Ayin Mansion in Manavi-Nameh of Mirza Mohammad Olia Nasrabadi [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 121-148]
Natural Law
Explaining the Poetic Justice Principle based on Two Convergent Approaches in Weiss and Ramin [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 31-60]
New Debates
“Innovation in Persian Nimaee Poetry Debates” [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 167-196]
Newly Poems
Newly discovered Poems by Amir Moazzi [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 341-354]
New Poems and Verses
Complement to the Divan of Bosḥāq Atema Shirazi [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 149-164]
Parvin Etesami
The reflect of gender in women poems: based on Forogh Farokhzad, Parvin Etesami, Simin behbahani [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 61-92]
Critique of the Mythical Thought in Mehdi Akhavan Sales’ Poetry [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 1-30]
Pathology of Schools and Universities Prosody Textbooks [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 1-24]
Performance Poetry
Poesia in atto: Summoning the Body, The Originality of the Voice, The Presence Condition in Act of the Totus Corpus [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 97-120]
Persian literature
Religious narrative of literature in contrast with materialism (Relying on the opinions of Morteza Motahhari) [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 205-230]
Persian prosody
Pathology of Schools and Universities Prosody Textbooks [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 1-24]
Personal and intuitive knowledge
Attar and Meeting with Holy witness (A discussion on the Construction and Content of some of sonnet-narrations of Attar’s Divan) [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 111-136]
Explaining the Poetic Justice Principle based on Two Convergent Approaches in Weiss and Ramin [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 31-60]
The importance of scientific Texts in editing and commentary on some lines of Hafez [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 101-136]
Poetic emotion
Sentimentalism and Persian Modern Poetry(Objective Study; Sohrab Sepehri and Fakhreddin Mazarei) [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 285-312]
Poetic Justice
Explaining the Poetic Justice Principle based on Two Convergent Approaches in Weiss and Ramin [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 31-60]
Popular Literature
The Tradition of Reading Ruba'i among Iranians [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 89-110]
Quatrain Names
The Tradition of Reading Ruba'i among Iranians [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 89-110]
Quatrain Reading
The Tradition of Reading Ruba'i among Iranians [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 89-110]
Rafiuddin Lonbani Esfahani
Criticism of the Divān of Rafiuddin Lonbani Esfahani Correction,
and Re-correction of some of its Verses [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 51-80]
Rhetorical-lingual structure
Anatomy of rhetorical-lingual techniques of Masnavi satire narrations [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 137-168]
A study of the Balochi tale and poem of "Bagin Bashkard" and its comparison with the ode of "Boye Joye Moliyan" by Roudaki [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 121-150]
The gesture and transcendence of the subject in a lyric by Rumi [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 267-296]
Rumi's Masnavi
Anatomy of rhetorical-lingual techniques of Masnavi satire narrations [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 137-168]
Russian formalism
Recreating Hafez's poetry in contemporary poetry through defamiliarization [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 231-266]
Safavid buildings
Attribution Role of Verse Literature in the Representation of Destroyed Safavid Buildings
Case study: Behesht-Ayin Mansion in Manavi-Nameh of Mirza Mohammad Olia Nasrabadi [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 121-148]
Safavid Era
Manifestations of Folklore in the Zolali Khansari's Mahmoud and Ayaz [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 225-254]
Sangestan city story
The last reading of the " Akavan Sales's Ghese – e - shahr – e – Sangestsn" [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 257-284]
Scientific Texts
The importance of scientific Texts in editing and commentary on some lines of Hafez [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 101-136]
Seifi Neyshabouri
Newly discovered Poems by Amir Moazzi [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 341-354]
The last reading of the " Akavan Sales's Ghese – e - shahr – e – Sangestsn" [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 257-284]
Sentimentalism and Persian Modern Poetry(Objective Study; Sohrab Sepehri and Fakhreddin Mazarei) [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 285-312]
Setteh Masnavis
The Necessity of Re-Correction of "Masnavis of Setteh" by Shah Daei Allah Shirazi [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 81-96]
Shah Daei Shirazi
The Necessity of Re-Correction of "Masnavis of Setteh" by Shah Daei Allah Shirazi [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 81-96]
Analyzing the objectivity of Almighty with creation from perspective of imagery techniques [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 175-204]
Simin Behbahani
The rise and fall of storytelling in the poems of Simin Behbahani and Jaleh Esfahani. [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 59-88]
Simin Behbahani
The reflect of gender in women poems: based on Forogh Farokhzad, Parvin Etesami, Simin behbahani [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 61-92]
Analysis and Comparison of Holism in ‘Attar’s Manṭeq Al-Ṭair and Modern Physics [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 197-226]
Sirus Shamisa
Pathology of Schools and Universities Prosody Textbooks [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 1-24]
Social romanticism
Analysis and Formulation of Social Romanticism in Golrokhsar Safieva's Poetry [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 25-50]
Social Themes
The Connection Between Mysticism and Social Themes in the Poetry of Abdul Wahab Al-Bayati and Mohammad Reza Shafi'i Kadkani [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 165-190]
Attar and Meeting with Holy witness (A discussion on the Construction and Content of some of sonnet-narrations of Attar’s Divan) [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 111-136]
Space Poetry
Poesia in atto: Summoning the Body, The Originality of the Voice, The Presence Condition in Act of the Totus Corpus [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 97-120]
Speech act
Study and analysis Attar’s Mantegh-o-Teyr Speech Acts in Advancing Narration with Emphasis on John R Searle’s Theory [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 93-120]
The Morphology of the Heroic Story “Babr-e Bayān” Based on Vladimir Propp's Theory [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 29-58]
Symbolic Characters
“Innovation in Persian Nimaee Poetry Debates” [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 167-196]
Taghi Vahidian Kamyar
Pathology of Schools and Universities Prosody Textbooks [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 1-24]
Text Correction
Criticism of the Divān of Rafiuddin Lonbani Esfahani Correction,
and Re-correction of some of its Verses [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 51-80]
Text Criticism
Criticism of the Divān of Rafiuddin Lonbani Esfahani Correction,
and Re-correction of some of its Verses [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 51-80]
The Conference of the Birds
The Conference of the Birds and the religiosity of the empiricist [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 313-340]
Religious narrative of literature in contrast with materialism (Relying on the opinions of Morteza Motahhari) [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 205-230]
Totus Corpus
Poesia in atto: Summoning the Body, The Originality of the Voice, The Presence Condition in Act of the Totus Corpus [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 97-120]
Conceptualization of “constitutional” in the poetry of two poets of the constitutional period
(A study of the syntax and discourse of Aref Qazvini and Mirzadeh Eshghi) [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 73-100]
Types of Quatrain Reading
The Tradition of Reading Ruba'i among Iranians [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 89-110]
discussion the evolution of phoneme in Verse (From the beginning of Persian poetry until the end of the eighth century AH) [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 195-224]
Verse literature
Attribution Role of Verse Literature in the Representation of Destroyed Safavid Buildings
Case study: Behesht-Ayin Mansion in Manavi-Nameh of Mirza Mohammad Olia Nasrabadi [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 121-148]
Vladimir Propp
The Morphology of the Heroic Story “Babr-e Bayān” Based on Vladimir Propp's Theory [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 29-58]
Weiss and Ramin
Explaining the Poetic Justice Principle based on Two Convergent Approaches in Weiss and Ramin [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 31-60]
Short Article :Yādgār: A Technical Official (Dīwānī) Term in Šāhnāma [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 191-200]
Yadollah Royai
Analysis and Comparison of the Function of Husserl’s Phenomenology in Yadollah Royai’s Theories and Image Poetry [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 137-166]
Zolali Khansari
Manifestations of Folklore in the Zolali Khansari's Mahmoud and Ayaz [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 225-254]