As the title suggests, the main subject of this article is to reveal the role of Sanāyī in the historical evolution of Persian qasida; this role is as important as the evolution of ...
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As the title suggests, the main subject of this article is to reveal the role of Sanāyī in the historical evolution of Persian qasida; this role is as important as the evolution of Persian qazals. Literature review on the topic shows that this aspect of Sanāyī's character has not been investigated so far. Accordingly, his Qasidas have been analyzed in this research on two levels: the level of the formal structure and that of the discursive order. The results indicate that Nāsir Khusraw and Sanāyī are two turning points in the development of Persian Qasida so much so that the history of Qasida can be divided into periods before and after Nāsir Khusraw and Sanāyī. After the formal analysis of his Qasidas, one comes across three types: 1- those that follow the conventions 2- those that are partly modern and partly conventional 3-those that are modern. The same categories hold on the discursive level. The results reveal that in the qasidas of the first category, in the domain of both form and content, Sanāyī has followed conventions. In the second category, there are tendencies to depart from conventions but departures occur to such a limited extent that one cannot tag them as unconventional. In the third category, an unprecedented array of form and content can be found; except for Nasir Khusraw, hardly anyone had revealed such innovations previously. Therefore, we daresay that Sanāyī is a turning point in the historical evolution of Qasida.
keywords: Qasida, Mysticism, Sanāyī, poetry, literary history