Document Type : Research Paper
1 Yazd Yniversity
2 Educator- Education
Romanticism is a social, economic and political school shaped in various communities after a period of relative peace, leaving a profound influence upon literature and art. The most significant change brought about by this school is that it moved man's intellectual orientation out of the holy and the objective, into the unholy and the subjective.In this research, the writers study the status of individualism in Vahshī Bāfqī's lyric poetry as manifested in Nāzir and Manzūr. Researches indicate that the poet, due to his lived experience of poverty, destitution and unrequited love that had forced him into seclusion, isolation and an antisocial disposition, departed from his predecessors not only in the content, but also in the structural and linguistic scope of his work. In line with such experiences, he creates vivid natural imagery to represent his own emotions and thence, he can be considered the pioneer of romanticism in Persian literature and the forefather of such Romantics as Nīmā Yūshīj.
Key Words: Vahshī Bāfqī, Literal Romanticism, Lyric Genre, Imagination.
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