Document Type : Research Paper
Critical Discourse Analysis is an interdisciplinary area of language study which roots in Critical Linguistics.This approach believes that all texts are ideologically loaded. It aims to reveal the hidden power relations, dominance, social inequality and the abuse of power. Most of the critical discourse analysts focus on linguistic realization in analyzing texts while Van Leeuwen introduces a socio-semantic network for representing social actors.This research aims to analyze, based on Van Leeuwen approach, Bahar’s political poems to show how Bahar represented social actors in Mashroote era. Did he represent them explicitly or implicitly? To answer the research question, first of all the discursive political poems were selected, then the socio-semantic categories were counted to define the number of occurrences. The results show that Bahar represented the social actors by applying the explicit categories such as Nomination, Individualization, and Honorification. Appraisement, Collectivization, and Activation are other categories which are applied a lot. Bahar’s ideologies and beliefs organized and controlled the representation of social actors.
Keywords: critical discourse analysis, socio-semantic category, Bahar's critical poems, explicit and implicit category