Document Type : Research Paper



Mehdi Beyraghdar* A. Darzi**

Payam Noor University of Damqan           Tehran University
The present study makes a case for the deletion of spatial prepositions before axial parts in Persian. To do so, two hypotheses are compared and classified. According to the first one, the very semantic redundancy between spatial prepositions and axial parts is considered to be the cause of makingthe deletion of prepositions before axial parts possible. Based on the second hypothesis, we propose that the possibility of the deletion of prepositions before axial parts depends upon not only the semantic redundancy between spatial prepositions and axial parts, but also the semantic class of verbs. To support our hypothesis, we classify the Persian spatial elementsbased on the three criteria proposed by Tyler and Ivans (2007) and show that the possibility of deleting prepositions before axial parts depends on not only the semantic redundancy between spatial prepositions and axial parts, but also the semantic class of verbs as well.
* Assistant professor in General Linguistics,
** Associate Professor in General Linguistics,
Received: 09/19/2010             Accepted: 09/21/2011


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