Document Type : Research Paper



This study proposes a literary-psychoanalytic theory built upon Freud's paradigm. In short, through a psychoanalytic criticism of the story of Siavash, researchers try to find out whether it is possible to trace a relation between the events of the story and the shifting paradigm of Persian superego. With this approach, a modern literary- psychoanalytic theory emerges in line with the above question. Siavash is sacrificed in order for the Persian superego to move beyond the Instinct-based Provisions of the King. Researchers benefit from the psychoanalytic Criticism of the story of Siavash as a tool to defend the thesis. Based on this theory, issues such as the life and death of Siavash, partly challenge the beliefs embedded in the conscious and unconscious mind of Persians. The most important of these beliefs was that King's verdict at any time and order is moral and it was because the Persian superego was shaped and constructed by royal provisions more than anything else; this paradigm is challenged throughout the story of Siavash and the way is paved for the political and psychological transition of Persians from the rule of GodKing to a new phase in which the nation begins to refuse tyranny.
Keywords: Siāvash, Shāhnāmah, Firdawsī, Freud, superego, psychoanalysis


Main Subjects

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