Literary application of Letter "A" in mystic poets' poems (Sanaie, Attar, and Molavi)

Document Type : Research Paper



'A' or 'Alif' the first letter of Persian alphabet, is a prominent vowel in Farsi language. It is the first letter of Abjad numeral system which represents number one in this system. Alif signifies the Taurus astrological sign. In mystical, philosophical, and rhetorical literature, Alif represents unique God, Holy Spirit, God's mercy; Adam's the father, abstract sphere, solitude, and the single mystery and etc. Alif has fallen in love with its stature. Since Alif has accent-like sign overhead, it is rebellious. Despite having tongue, it is dumb and silent. It is regarded as one of the poorest in terms of wealth among letters. It symbolizes poverty, abjection, destitution, vacancy, pauperism, beggary, inexistence, absence, loss, and self-denial. It also suggests nakedness, nudity, embarrassment, self-evidence, preparedness, distress and confusion and adornment.. Alif is motionless and stagnant. Its creation begins with points and dots. All letters and numbers then are founded upon this letter. Alif is the first letter of creation. It also indicates minuteness, brevity and tininess. Alif is the most common simile in Persian literature and the poetry's and prose's images or contents used in Persian literature are described. It was compared to needles, thorn, moon crescent, sticks, pens and plumes, fingers, arrows, bolts, cedars, gallows and scaffolds, newly grown whiskers or beard, half or full moon, and etc. In this article, we try to study the literary, artistic, and video applications of letter Alif in top mystic poets' poetry like Sanaie, Attar, Molavi, Shah Nematollah Vali


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