Document Type : Research Paper


department of persian language and literature, bushehr branch, islamic azad university, bushehr, iran


Algirdas Julien Greimas is one of the semioticians in the field of narrative who, after Propp,  presents a pattern in structural semantics  known as the actional model. This model includes components showing that the fundamental structure of narrative and language is the same. In this model, the actors create a plot within three contradictory pairs. Another component of this theory is the semantic square, which stem from a given oppositional properties. The present study, based on the Griemas theory, has performed a morphological analysis of one of the anecdotes of Attar’s Ilāhī-Nāma, The important point of this study is that the outline of the story, the manner of narration and characterization of the protagonists are subject to a general order and framework. This narrative is consistent with the criteria of Griemas model. Also with the help of semantic square, the general structure of narrative with its contradictory elements has been examined and analyzed and it is found that the actors, i.e. the brother-in-law, the young man, the merchant and ship inhabitants take a move from lust and evil desires to “no-evil” and as a result, they move from the status of “no-lust” to chastity.


Main Subjects

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