The Poetic Expression of Color and Rhythm in Lyrics of Biddle Dehlavi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor of language and literature of Zabol University

2 Master of Persian language and literature of Zabol University


Among the important rhetorical images that play an effective role in examining and recognizing the personal style of each poet are the use of colors, rhythm and the extent to which the poet uses words encompassing these issues. The importance of this issue in the poetry of some poets, especially those who follow the Indian style (Sabk-i Hindi), is so great that through the employment of this, one can realize the tastes, beliefs, aspirations and desires of the poet. Bidel Dehlavi (1054-1133 AH) is one of the most prominent poets of Indian style who has abundantly used these features in his lyric poems.  The purpose of this descriptive-analytical research is to study artistic innovations, together with the semantic frequency of color and rhythm, and its synonyms (song, rhythm, music, whisper, sound, moan, etc.) in Biddle Dehlavi's lyric poems. The result of the research indicates that the poet with a creative attitude and expression has expressed color and rhythm, with a significant frequency, as a motif and symbol of polysemy and structural axis of rhetorical images to convey various kinds of romantic-mystical thoughts, to contribute to the aesthetic of poetry, and to give harmony and balance to the language and its components.


Main Subjects

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