Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of English, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, Payame Noor University, Tehran , Iran

2 Graduated with a PhD in Persian literature Graduated with a master's degree in English language and literature

3 Yasouj university


In the classification of Attar's poems Manteghotteyr has a special place and in this poem, the long story of "Sheikh Sanaan" has a privileged position both in terms of storytelling skills and in terms of dealing with deep mystical meanings. Hermeneutic criticism, after it emerged through Schleier Macher's Protestant views, found new horizons with Diltay and after him Heidegger, and reached its consistency in Gadamer's lofty thought. By designing and explaining concepts such as ‘fusion of horizons’, ‘effective history’, ‘tradition’ and ‘prejudice’, as well as distancing himself from ‘author's intention’ and relying on ‘perception’ resulting from dialectics, Gadamer highlights the role of the reader and opens a new window on literary criticism and text reading. In this article, the author examines Gadamer's opinions using the qualitative content analysis, and after briefly reviewing the history of hermeneutics, analyzes the story based on the concept of ‘fusion of horizons’ of Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics. The result shows that the central core of this story is a movement from a kind of devout austerity to a romantic experience of manifestation of divine love. In this analysis, the Christian girl is not a mere test tool, but appears in the role of a mystical woman, who for Sheikh Sanaan is a mediator of an evolving experience in love. A love that can be considered as a bridge to understand God's eternal love, and in this sense, the Christian daughter has found the role of an old guide for Sheikh Sanaan.


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