Document Type : Research Paper



Conceptual metaphor acts as a window to the mind of the writer. Accordingly, the focus of metaphorical mapping in the mind leads to the development of the individual mentality and the creation of analogous metaphors and finally to the originality of the style. The aim of this study is to shed light on some Quatrains attributed to Khayyam by Mohammad Ali Foroughi and Qassem Ghani. The results indicate that in a total of 178 quatrains of this book, there are 15 basic conceptual metaphors. Comparing the conceptual metaphors in 66 original quatrains and 112 quatrains attributed to him, it is argued that the metaphors of journey, secret, container, opportunity, transformation and structure, are most frequent in both groups.  Fifty eight quatrains of the 66 original quatrains and 101 quatrains out of 112 attributed quatrains follow the central mapping of these metaphors. Also many of these quatrains contain 2, 3 or even 5 of the above mentioned metaphors. Thus it can be concluded that quatrains with these metaphors are Khayyam's original poems.  Among these 112 quatrains, 4 are not included in these metaphors so they cannot be attributed to Khayyam. Comparing the theme of these 4 quatrains with Omar Khayyam’s metaphorical thinking and also checking them in other sources confirms this view.
Keywords: conceptual metaphor, original quatrains, quatrains of Khayyam, attributed quatrains, mapping.


Main Subjects

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