Document Type : Research Paper
Shahrbaraz is one of the most famous commanders of Khosrow Parviz who fought with the Roman Empire (Byzantine) and won great victories. He captured Jerusalem and sent the cross that Christians believed Jesus Christ was crucified on it to Ctesiphon (imperial capital of Iran). He then occupied Egypt and Libya in 619 AD. Thus after several centuries he expanded Iran’s territory as far as the Achaemenid era. But his relation with Khosrow was strained soon. In this article we investigate the causes of this rupture in their relationship. Considering historical narratives of the relation of Khosrow and Shahrebaraz it is concluded that the Shahnameh's narration is more comprehensive and more believable. According to Shahnameh the major factor of schism between them was the accumulation of wealth by Khosrow and expensive taxes resulting from his continuous and barren wars the costs of which were paid by the people. Shahrebaraz who had been fighting for Khosrow for several years saw people suffering as well as Khosrow's tyranny and dictatorship rejecting the peace offers of Heraclius, He thought that staying in Khosrow’s camp is not reasonable. He converted to Christianity and decided to overthrow Khosrow’s government.
Keywords: Iran and Rome's wars, Khosrow Parviz, Sharbarz, Heraclius
Main Subjects