مجله علمی پژوهشی شعرپژوهی (بوستان ادب) دانشگاه شیراز

نوع مقاله : مقاله کوتاه


1 گروه زبان و ادبیات فارسی،دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز،اهواز،ایران

2 گروه زبان و ادبیات فارسی،دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی دانشگاه شهیدچمران اهواز،اهواز،ایران


بازیابی و تصحیح اشعار شاعران پیشگام و متقدم، به‌ویژه استاد شاعران رودکی سمرقندی، یکی از بایسته‌های فرهنگی برای پیش‌برد زبان و ادبیات فارسی است. شعر رودکی در طول تاریخ، همواره موردتوجه شاعران و ادیبان بوده و امروزه نیز از اهمیت ویژه‌ای برخوردار است. از دیوان پُرشعر این شاعر که بنا بر گفته‌ی محققان، بیش از صدهزار بیت بوده، اکنون مقدار ناچیزی موجود است. همین مقدار اندک نیز با مراجعه‌ی متعدد و بی‌شمار محققان و رودکی‌پژوهان معاصر، مانند سعید نفیسی، براگینسکی، میرزایف، علی‌اشرف صادقی و شماری از رودکی‌پژوهان در ایران و تاجیکستان، به دست ما رسیده است. نگارندگان باتوجه‌به اهمیت وافر بازیابی اشعار رودکی در سرچشمه‌های کهن، با بررسی یکی از فرهنگ‌های شعری متعلق به عهد عثمانی، به‌نام عجایب‌اللغه از فردی به‌نام ادیبی، بنا دارند بیتی منسوب به رودکی را که تاکنون از دید مصححان و رودکی‌پژوهان مستور مانده است، در بخش نخست این جستار معرفی و ایراد موجود در مصرع دوم آن را برطرف کنند. در بخش پایانی نیز موضع بیت را در دو مثنوی کلیله و دمنه و سندبادنامه از رودکی بررسی کرده‌ایم.
واژه‌های کلیدی: ادیبی، بیت نویافته، تصحیح، رودکی، عجایب‌اللغه، ادیبی.





عنوان مقاله [English]

Introducing and Correcting a New Verse Attributed to Rudaki Samarqandi in Ajayeb al-Loqaa Lexicon

نویسندگان [English]

  • sajjad dehghan 1
  • zahra nasirishiraz 2
  • nasrollah emami 2

1 Persian language and literature, faculty of literature and Humanitie of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

2 Persian language and literature, faculty of literature and Humanitie of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

چکیده [English]

Retrieving and correcting the poems of pioneering poets, especially the master of poets, Rudaki Samarqandi, is one of the cultural requirements for the advancement of Persian language and literature. Rudaki's poetry has always been considered by poets and writers throughout history and has gained special importance. There is a small amount of the his poetic divan, which according to researchers has been over one hundred thousand verses, and this small amount is also referred to by the large and innumerable contemporary scholars such as Saeed Nafisi, Braginsky, Mirzayev, Ali Ashraf, Sadeghi and a number of Rudaki researchers in Iran and Tajikistan. Considering the great importance of retrieving Rudaki's poems in ancient sources, the authors of this study, by examining one of the poetic cultures belonging to the Ottoman era called Ajayeb al-Loqaa from a person named Adibi, construct a verse attributed to Rudaki, which has been remained hidden from correctors and Rudaki-researchers and should be introduced and examined in this article; then the problem in the second stanza should be solved.
Ajayeb al-Loqaa is a Persian-to-Persian lexicon that contains about 1700 words along with numerous evidences of the poems of pioneering poets such as Rudaki, Kasaei, Munjik Tirmidhi, Abu-Shakur Balkhi, etc.
     In correcting and retrieving Rudaki's poems, many lexicons have been used by proofreaders, especially Nafisi. Some of these lexicons are: Loqat-e Fors of Asadi Tusi, Fakhr Ghavas dictionary, Sehah Al-Fors of Nakhjavani, Qadar Khan Encyclopedia, Rashidi Lexicon, Jahangiri Lexicon, Halimi Lexicon, etc.
Ajayeb al-Loqaa Lexicon, despite its unique manuscript in the library of the Majlis and its critical correction, has not been considered by the proofreaders in the printed divans, and for this reason, reviewing the present work and introducing new cases to advance work of Rudaki-researchers is very important.
In this lexicon, the author has used Rudaki's name 92 times to attribute the evidence of verses, among which some are in other cultures such as Loqat-e Fors and Sehah Al-Fors, etc., and therefore Nafisi includes them in the book of the environment of Rudaki (two editions 1319 and 1341).
In the present study, only one verse is considered as new and due to the great importance of introducing new verses from Rudaki, the authors will introduce this verse to the literary community, especially Rudaki-researchers, after examining and resolving the existing problem in the second stanza.

Research background

In the last century, several articles have been introduced to the literary community in order to introduce the newly found verses of Rudaki in Iran and Tajikistan, but in none of them is a sign of Ajayeb al-Loqaa Lexicon. (For more research and a look at the list of some of these articles, see: Zahransiri Shiraz et al., 1397: 2 and 3).


The method of the data collection in this study is a library research and the research method is descriptive-analytical. To do the research, we collect some old manuscripts of various divans and dictionaries. Then their linguistic features and idiosyncrasies were carefully studied and compared.
The poetry of pioneering poets, especially the father of Persian poetry, Rudaki Samarqandi, is very important to us Persian speakers in Iran, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, etc., as it forms part of our past identity. Since these works have been destroyed for various reasons, retrieving and introducing newly found verses in the heart of ancient texts and sources is of special importance.
In the present study, considering this important point, a verse hidden from the eyes of the correctors and Rudaki-researchers in the Ajayeb al-Loqaa Lexicon was introduced and the problem in the second stanza was solved. In addition, the authors searched for the rejection of the theme of the verse in other existing poetry collections and showed that other verses related to the verse of Rudaki can be seen from other poets such as Asadi Tusi, Nezami and Abu-Shakur Balkhi; In addition, possibilities were raised about the position of the verse in the stories of Sinbadnameh and Kelileh and Demneh after discussing the inaccuracy of the exact themes of the verses with the stories.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Keywords: Rudaki
  • Ajayeb al-Loqaa
  • literary
  • newly found verse
  • correction
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