مجله علمی پژوهشی شعرپژوهی (بوستان ادب) دانشگاه شیراز

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشجوی دکتری زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی یاسوج

2 استادیار زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی - واحد یاسوج

3 استادیار زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه یاسوج


ریخت­‌شناسی داستان پهلوانببربیان مطابق با نظریه‌ی ولادیمیر پراپ
علیرضا تابان‌مهر (طالبان)*
محمدهادی خالق‌زاده **
مهدی فاموری***
امروزه در نقد ادبی با شناخت سازه­ها و گزاره­های یک اثر می­توان با ساختار آن آشنا شد. یکی از شاخه­های نقد ادبی، با تکیه بر عناصر سازنده‌ی اثر، روایت­شناسی است. نظریه­پردازان بزرگی در زمینه‌ی روایت­شناسی کار کرده و نظریات بسیار مهمی را ارائه داده‌اند. بهترین شیوه‌ی تحلیل و دسته­بندی ساختاری در داستان­ها و قصه­های اساطیری و حماسی، در ریخت­شناسی ولادیمیر پراپ (Vladimir Propp) می­توان یافت. تحلیل رمزگانی پراپ به شناختی بایسته از سازه­های روایات حماسی یاری می­رساند. سی‌ویک خویشکاری و شخصیت­های هفتگانی ریخت­شناسی پراپ سبب می­شود حرکت­های تعادل، قهر و بحران و تعادل نهایی در روایت حماسی دریافت شود. در این مقاله‌ی تحلیلی-توصیفی سعی بر این شده­ است ساختار حماسه‌ی منظوم ببربیان که از سراینده‌ای نامعلـوم اسـت، با الهـام از نظریـه‌ی ولادیمیر پراپ روسـی بررســی شود.
منظومه‌ی ببربیان که سده سرایش آن را پیش از عهد مغول و در حدود قرن ششم دانسته­اند، در 477 بیت با دادخواهی گروهی از دادخواهان هندی آغاز می­شود و با کشته‌شدن ببربیان توسط رستم و ازدواج او با دختر رای هند به پایان می­رسد. نتایج این تحلیل حاکی از این است که می­توان الگوی خویشکاری­های مدنظر پراپ را در این روایت حماسی- اسطوره­ای دریافت و با نمودگاری حرکت­های اصلی که در بطن خود حرکت­های فرعی قرار داده، این نظریه انطباق داده شود. در نمودگاری ریخت­شناسانه این روایت، سی‌ویک خویشکاری مدنظر پراپ در قصه­ها، هرچند به‌صورت غیرمتوالی یافت شد. وجود هر هفت شخصیت روایت­شناسی پراپ در این منظومه نشانگر همسانی و همگونی این حماسه با روایت­های مدنظر پراپ است. بسط روایت در این منظومه ازطریق خویشکاری «کشمکش- پیروزی» انجام شده است.
واژه‌های کلیدی: روایت­شناسی، ریخت­شناسی، ساختارگرایی، منظومه‌ی ببربیان، ولادیمیر پراپ.
* دانشجوی دکتری زبان و ادبیات فارسی واحد یاسوج، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، یاسوج، ایران monajatname@gmail.com
 ** استادیار زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد یاسوج، یاسوج، ایران asatirpars@gmail.com (نویسنده‌ی مسئول)
*** استادیار زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد یاسوج، یاسوج، ایران mehdifamoori@gmail.com
تاریخ دریافت مقاله: 22/3/1400                     تاریخ پذیرش مقاله: 7/7/1400



عنوان مقاله [English]

The Morphology of the Heroic Story “Babr-e Bayān” Based on Vladimir Propp's Theory

نویسندگان [English]

  • ali reza tavbanmehr 1
  • mohammad hadi khaleghzadeh 2
  • mehdi famouri 3

1 PhD student in Persian language and literature, Islamic Azad University of Yasouj

2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature Islamic Azad University, Yasouj Branch

3 yasouj university

چکیده [English]

The Morphology of the Heroic Story “Babr-e Bayān” Based on Vladimir Propp's Theory
Some great thinkers worked in the field of narratology including Vladimir Propp. Studying a large number of Russian fairy tales, Propp could define a consistent pattern for these tales; So, he identified 31-function pattern. Once the theories of formalism and constructivism were formed and popularized, Propp developed This type of format and structural analysis of stories. According to the mythical story plot it seems that we can find Vladimir Propp's claimed characters in Babr-e Bayān poem, whose author is unknown, and try to follow the functions. We investigate three stories in this poem: Rostam's battle with an aquatic animal called Babr-e Bayān, making Babr-e Bayān cloth from the skin of the aquatic animal for Rostam, and Faramarz conception; the stories include many fictional propositions which can be examined through the morphological components of the story.  
This is an analytical-descriptive article which attempts to investigate the structure of the epic poem of Babr-e Bayān, from an unknown author, based on the theory of Vladimir Propp. The background of the study includes the books of morphology of fairy tales and the historical roots of the fairy tales by Vladimir Propp; also, people such as Todorov, Bremond and Greimas present some ideas about structural analysis of narrative based on Propp's theories. In this regard, there are some articles such as: Criticism of Sequences of Hero's Functions in Propp's Theory of Morphology (Based on the morphology of three stories in Shahnameh) by Khavar Qorbani and Keyvan Gourk, Morphology of Mazandaran war story based on Propp Theory by Bahram Jalalipoor, and Analysis and comparison of the narrative structure of Nezami’s tales, black & sandal domes from Haft Paykar based on Vladimir Propps’ morphological patterns of fairy tales by Fereshteh Naseri, Abdulhossein Farzad, Amir Hossein Mahoozi. However, according to my investigations there are no independent research about the morphilogy of Babr-e Bayān poem based on Propp's theory. This is a library research method article which is done by analytical description of the text.
 Data Analysis and Discussion
Functions pattern in Babr-e Bayān poem
According to the 31 functions in Babr-e Bayān poem and the narrative process stages, and based on the 6 stages of planning for the events, complication, transfer, encountering, return, and recognition, which is the stage for functions appearance, narrative structural pattern can be as follows:
β ƴ δ ζ εη ϴ
↓ PrRsOL
All of the Propp’s functions can be find in the 6 stages of planning in this epic poem. All the functions can be observed in a symbol:
these functions indicate that this epic story is consist of a general movement and some internal movements. 31 functions can be find in the general movement. Another issue is that the story is made of the Propp’s general confrontational movements:
The movements contributed directly to the balance of the stories and any problem will cause the loss of this balance, so by reaching to some kind of final function they return to the story again. A story can consist of one or more movements. The movements can also have different movements. However, it can be also a single story. Meanwhile, these movements excite the story and determine the main structure and theme of the story. The movements of Babr-e Bayān are as follow:
β____________ δ
↑____________ G
However, it is necessary to consider two inner movements that occur inside the main movement, since they upset the balance of the narrative. Inside the main movement of the Babr-e Bayān, removing the two movements of “Alborz and Zal confrontation and blackmail on him” and “Galimine Goosh confrontation and submitting to Rostam” also should be considered however, However, they have not caused complexity and disrupted the norm of the story.
The general movement of Babr-e Bayān is as follows:
Babr-e Bayān crisis which leads to the people complain and the India opinion against him (crisis 1)
Killing Babr-e Bayān by Rostam (balance)
In this poem, the M__W can be find in a general movement. Motivational elements (Babr-e Bayān should be killed because he injures the Indians) and violence (Babr-e Bayān damages the property of the Indians and set fire to everywhere) affect the functions.
Prop also suggested another movement organization based on content of the story:
- extension through function of H-I (war and conflict)
- extension through function of M-N (hard work)
- extension through two functions of H-I and M-N (conflict and hard work)
- extension with no function
The investigation showed 7 characters among the poem all characters. However, some characters played integrated roles; such as Galimine Goosh who has shown not only as the bad man but also found the role of a collaborator through some events. 31 functions of Propp could be find in the morphological representation but not sequentially. Extension of functions was found in the form of conflict-victory which seems that many epic stories follow this extension pattern due to their structure. It seems that Babr-e Bayān is a case which can remove an ambiguity in Shahnameh; despite some opinions who know Babr-e Bayān as a kind of tiger, it, Patyāre, is an aquatic animal that is killed by Rostam and then making cloth from its skin.
 Keywords: Narratology, Structuralism, Morphology, Vladimir Propp, Babr-e Bayān Poem   
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کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  •  Keywords: Narratology
  • Structuralism
  • Morphology
  • Vladimir Propp
  • Babr-e Bayān Poem   
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