نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی
1 دانشیار زبان و ادبیات فارسی، دانشکدۀ علوم انسانی، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، تهران، ایران
2 دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشکده علوم انسانی دانشگاه تربیت مدرس تهران
تحلیل و صورتبندی رمانتیسم اجتماعی در شعر گل رخسار صفی اوا
ابراهیم خدایار*
عاطفه هومان**
گلرخسار صفیاوا (تولد 1947م) یکی از برجستهترین نمایندگان رمانتیسم اجتماعی معاصر تاجیک است. وی با پرداختن به دردهای مردم و یادآوری شکوه و عظمت کشورش، روحیهی اعتراض را در هموطنانش تقویت میکند. پرسشهای اصلی پژوهش این است که چه عواملی در عطف توجه گلرخسار به رمانتیسم اجتماعی نقش داشته و مؤلفههای بازنماییشدهی رمانتیسم اجتماعی در دیوان او کداماند؟ کدام یک از این مؤلفهها در اشعار شاعر نمود بارزتری دارد و در روند شکلگیری فردیتش نقش بیشتری ایفا کرده است؟ تحلیل اشعار شاعر براساس میراث بنیادهای نظری مکتب رمانتیسم و جریان رمانتیسم اجتماعی نشان داد که عوامل سیاسی، اقتصادی و فرهنگی حاکم بر تاجیکستان در دوران شوراها، در عطف توجه شاعر به رمانتیسم اجتماعی نقش داشته است. مؤلفههای بازنماییشدهی رمانتیسم اجتماعی در شعر او مضامین ناسیونالیستی و وطنی، اعتراض به مسائل سیاسی و اجتماعی و فرهنگی، خودآگاهی، ارزشهای اخلاقی، توجه به مسائل و مشکلات زنان، پرداختن به عقاید دینی، امید و آرمانگرایی و در پایان دعوت به مبارزه، آزادیخواهی و بیداری است. وضعیت اجتماعی- سیاسی و شکایت و انتقاد از آن، ضمن توجه به مفاهیم ناسیونالیستی در اشعار او نمود بارزتری دارد. شاعر در تمام اشعارش با پناه بردن به خاطرات قومی ـ ملی حس نوستالژیک عمیقی در مخاطب خود نسبت به وطن با تمام ابعاد آن ایجاد میکند و با تمرکز بر این موضوع بر لزوم خودآگاهی و خودشناسی ملی به فردیت میرسد، بهگونهای که میتوان او را «شاعر دردهای ملی» نامید.
* دانشیار زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه تربیت مدرس hesam_kh1@modares.ac.ir (نویسندهی مسئول)
** دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه تربیت مدرس atefehhooman22@modares.ac.ir
تاریخ دریافت مقاله: 9/3/1401 تاریخ پذیرش مقاله: 14/6/1401
عنوان مقاله [English]
Analysis and Formulation of Social Romanticism in Golrokhsar Safieva's Poetry
نویسندگان [English]
- Ebrahim Khodayar 1
- Atefeh Hooman 2
1 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature at Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Tehran, Iran
2 Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran
چکیده [English]
Analysis and formulation of social romanticism in Golrokhsar Safieva's poetry
Ebrahim Khodayar[1] - Atefeh Homan[2]
Extended abstract:
The connection between Iran and Transoxiana goes back to the history of their formation. Simultaneously, with the establishment of the Safavid government in Iran and the Shaybanids in Uzbek Khanate in Bukhara in the 10th century AH, the common political destiny between Iran and this region was separated from each other, but the cultural relations of these two regions continued until the period of Soviets and the formation of the Soviet Union. The separation of the two regions reached its peak by forming new geography and changing the Persian script to the Cyrillic and Latin in the second language in the newly established Republic of Tajikistan. The anti-cultural policies of the Soviet government continued with power during the time of Lenin and Stalin; But with Stalin's death and Khrushchev's coming to power in 1953, little by little the space was prepared for the reconnection between the people of both sides of Oxus, and the ground was provided for returning to the common roots among them. From now on, in Tajik poetry, we observe themes that have no history before. This process became stronger during Gorbachev's era (1985), until the collapse of the Soviet Union and the independence of Tajikistan (1991), the period of real Tajik poetry revival began.
research methods, background and purpose
The authors' method in this research is a descriptive analysis based on the principles of the social romanticism school, which has been done for the first time after analyzing the entire poetic heritage of Golrokhsar in this regard. The analysis of poems through the literary schools and the recognition of its common features help us to better understand the contemporary poetry of Persian speakers. The study of contemporary Tajik poetry began after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the creation of common cultural ties between Iran and Tajikistan with the publication of works on the overall state of Tajikistan and its poem And in recent years, researches were conducted on its prominent poets, but the study of social romanticism in contemporary Tajik poetry and Golrokhsar Safieva is unprecedented. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the factors and contexts of the emergence of social romanticism in contemporary Tajik poetry and analysis and categorization of social romanticism in poetry of Golrokhsar Safieva to determine which of these effects and aspects in the poet’s poem is highlighted and have played a more prominent role in the formation process of his individuality.
discussion and review
The issue of this study is recognition of the factors and fields of social romanticism in contemporary Tajik and Golrokhsor Safieva. Tajikistan and its turbulent history during the Soviet era, the developments of contemporary Tajik poetry and its familiarity with the prolific Russian literature, the political and economic factors governing Tajikistan during this period made the poetry of this period a suitable platform for the emergence of social romanticism. All these factors under political factors (councils and socialist realism trend, World War II, formation of new geography in the region and civil war in Tajikistan), economic and social factors (poverty and corruption ruling the society, injustices and giving many privileges to The Soviet Union, the single-productization of Tajikistan) and intellectual and cultural factors (the movement of educationists and modernists, attack on the Persian script and language, attack on religion and religious principles and familiarity with Russian literature) were investigated and their connection with the rise of social romanticism was analyzed. After analyzing these factors, social Romanticism was investigated in flower Golrokhsar poem. In her poems, Safieva goes through the stage of romantic individuality and personal concerns (individual romanticism) and deals with collective and public issues and problems (social romanticism).This is the characteristic of most of the poems written during this period; So that it can be claimed that this current is one of the main contemporary Tajik poetic flows, which started with Mumin Qanoat and Bozor Sobir, Layeq Sherali and Golrokhsar continued it in their poetic heritage.
The main effects of social romanticism in Golrokhsar were studied in seven sections:
The country of honor and the nation of the sun: nationalism and patriotic themes
poets of national pains: protesting the political, economic and social situation
The religion of love and purity: moral principles and values
sadness irreligion: religion and beliefs
In search of self: self-knowledge and self-awareness
Missing women: issues and problems of women
spring courier: hope and idealism
The socio-political situation of Tajikistan and its complaints and criticism, and attention to nationalist concepts are more evident in his poems. In all his poems, the poet creates a deep nostalgic feeling in his audience towards the homeland by taking refuge in ethnic and national memories, and by focusing on this issue, he reaches individuality.
Knowing the factors and fields affecting the emergence of social romanticism in contemporary Tajik poetry helps to better understand the contemporary poetry of this land. The analysis of poetry and the poet's intellectual system based on the principles of social romanticism determined that Golrokhsar is one of the most prominent contemporary Tajik poets in this field. In most of his poems, he has social and public concerns, which he has presented in a romantic format. Golrokhsar’s poetry is based on two foundations: the external nature and the internal world, and this has caused his poems to be both romantic and committed to people and society. Based on the results of the analysis and categorization of social romanticism in his collection of poetry, it was found that the poet's attention is focused more on the fate of society and politics and criticism of it, homeland and geographical, historical and cultural aspects and nationalistic themes.
Keywords: Contemporary Tajik poetry, Social romanticism, Golrokhsar Safieva.
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[1] Corresponding Author: Email: hesam_kh1@modares.ac.ir, Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature at Tarbiat Modares University (TMU).
[2] Masters student Of Persian Litterature, Faculty of literature and human sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
کلیدواژهها [English]
- Contemporary Tajik poetry
- Social romanticism
- Golrokhsar Safieva